Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Movement of Water Across the Plasma Membrane- Osmosis

Simulation & Modelling

Unique Features for Modelling

Simulation & Modelling

My Reflection

Engage, empower and enhance is a step by step learning to me. Where through engage, the prior knowledge of the student on the topic can be elicit through engage.  From that, the student knowledge can be empower by doing or performed experiment on the topic. Through experiment, student will understand better on what they learned. Like a quote said that learning is the best teacher. In enhance, where student knowledge will be enhance by a tough and relevant idea or situation on the topic for the student to think deeply and better on the topic. Through this, student will understand better by this engage, empower and enhance model.
Through engage, empower and enhance model, teacher will know student prior knowledge on this topic and can differentiate whether student has their own misconception or scientific idea on the topic. From that teacher can correct student misconception. After conducting experiment, student knowledge can be enhance, so that the student  understand better and can relate with real situation with the topic.
Using data logging have many advantage. First, using data logging save time because we don’t have to take the measurement reading because every reading will be taken and recorded by the data logger in any time interval that we want. Second, the data can be easily seen or interpreted because from the data, a graph will be plotted based on the data recorded by the data logger either the graph increase or decrease. Third, the reading error could be avoided because the reading was in three decimal places. Thus, to me, data logging makes experiment easier.
Simulation is a really useful tool in student because through simulation, student easy to understand about a topic through simulation. The advantage of simulation is, there are simulation that show a long process in just 3 or 4 minutes. This is the benefit, where a long process can be shown in short period for student understanding. Besides that, for example a very small thing such as DNA, through simulation, we can see the DNA in 3D model, from that student can have a very clear understanding on the DNA structure since that DNA cannot be seen in naked eye. Modelling shows about the topic with different variable so that student can see the effect of changing the variable. Modelling also can make student understand better because there are some process that cannot be seen such as reaction rate process, where the molecule cannot be seen, using modelling, the molecule can be seen even in 2D but the differences between modelling and simulation is the presence of the variable, where we can change the variable such as temperature and see the effect of the changes in temperature to the molecule reaction.
There are some problem relating to the data logging in classroom where the data logging equipment is not take in good care. While problems in using simulation and modelling are to find a very nice graphic and can be understand simulation and modelling. To overcome the data logging problem use in class is to make sure the equipment is in good care before and after been used.

Information and Communication Technology In Biology

Saturday, October 9, 2010